
Jobs in Russia for foreigners

If you do not like the place where you live now, you can change it. After all, you are not a tree that is rooted deeply in the ground. You can be like a bird that is flying to different places. If you want to experience living in another country, you can try Russia.

You may want to feel new culture that is so different from American or European ones. You may be in search of a true love with a Russian beauty-girl. Naturally, it would be better to find a job while living in Russia, so you can get acquainted with people and earn a bit of money.

If you are just at the beginning of your search and do not even know where to start, where to look for Russian jobs for foreigners and where to go, then maybe this article will help you to make a choice.

The most important and tiring issue is the paperwork. Attention! You can work officially only with a temporary residence permit, with a permanent residence permit or with Russian citizenship, and of course, with a work visa (it is almost impossible to get it).

That is, if a foreigner came on a tourist/private visa for 1-3 months, officially he has no right to work. He must first get a temporary residence permit. If a foreigner is officially registered for work, he can take a paid sick leave, paid vacations or a bank loan. His salary is guaranteed in a certain amount, the day of payment is determined; taxes and contributions to the Pension Fund and Social Security Fund are paid for him. If he works unofficially, that is, without an employment contract or employment card, he does not receive any of the above (the most important risk is non-payment of the salary, change of the salary size without personal agreement). If the employee is not registered officially, there will be nowhere to complain.

A sad reality is that in Russia, no one is waiting for foreigners to give them a job, especially if the foreigner does not speak Russian. You can get a job, but without knowledge of the language you will find a low-skilled job.

A foreign citizen for the Russian employer is one huge problem. It is necessary to send reports to the tax office, each time passing through bureaucratic circles of hell. Citizens of Ukraine, however, are on special conditions now. Those who have left Ukraine are treated as refugees and have special conditions. Besides them, it is relatively easy to get a job for the citizens of Armenia. They were equated, in terms of employment rules, to the citizens of Russia.

How to find a job?

The best and most effective way is through friends, because in a foreign country it is so difficult to live. So, compatriots try to help each other. If there are no acquaintances, then you should do it with the help of ads on the Internet, newspapers, social networks, or simply visiting places where employees may be required. Your CV must be prepared in Russian and English. The easiest way is to look for work in Moscow and St. Petersburg as in large cities there are quite a lot of foreigners, while in smaller cities it will be difficult to find something eligible.

In the country there is a need of bricklayers from China, Vietnamese seamstresses, but also there is the demand of masseurs, entertainers, and even cooks.
Seamstresses are one of the most popular jobs in Moscow Russia for foreigners. And Vietnam is the main supplier of them. Moscow region companies received a third of all quotas for seamstresses coming to Russia from abroad (2.4 thousand.)

Where foreign citizens cannot work?

Migrants have the right to choose which industry they prefer in terms of employment. There are many options, but you cannot do without exception, as they say.

Foreign citizens cannot:

  • be in public/municipal service;
  • to hold the positions of captain, senior assistant captain, senior mechanic and radio specialist on the ship, which sails under the flag of the Russian Federation;
  • be a crew member of : a warship, other vessels used for non-commercial purposes;
  • be a crew member of aircraft of state or experimental aviation;
  • work at facilities and organizations, if their activities are related to the security of the Russian Federation.

Jobs for foreigners in St. Petersburg Russia

As you have seen, it is a difficult task to get a job in Russia. As a matter of fact there are two main options for you. The first one is to work at a low position as an unskilled worker, earning a little amount of money, or you can try to get a position at some international company as a skilled migrant. Such skilled migration process should be started from home. You have to find a vacancy according to your educational level. If the company needs you, they will prepare necessary papers for embassy, so that you can get a work visa. This option will be nice for you as good foreign specialists are really high-paid.

If it is not your case, but you already have a residence permit, then you should try one of the following options.

  • Guide or interpreter

St. Petersburg is a huge city with an enormous cultural heritage. You can try working as an interpreter or a guide for foreigners. But the most important condition is to have a good level of the Russian language. If you do not fancy talking with people on the streets, you may try being a written translator or work only at the business meetings. Services of a good translator, especially, the one of some “rare” language are well-paid. That is one of the best jobs for foreigners in Russia.

  • Jobs for students

Foreign students who study at the university have the right to work a certain amount of hours without a special permission if they work in the university where they study. In any other case they need special work permission. But even with such permit, they can work only in the city where the university is situated.

  • Chef of  the authentic cuisine

In St. Petersburg you can find a great variety of restaurants with the national cuisine of different countries. Obviously, each restaurant prefers to have an authentic chef who was born and taught in that country. So, if you are a skilled cook, you have really good changes to get this job.

  • Teacher or tutor

Having a teaching diploma together with good teaching skills guarantees you popularity among students. Native speakers are always in need. You can apply for a job at the language courses, language schools or even at a state university or college.

  • Business owner

That is not a job to get, but a job to create. If you have a certain sum of money to invest and a good business idea, you can try starting business in Russia. But be ready for enormous paperwork and tiring bureaucracy.

It is not that easy to get a good job in Russia, but if you are a unique specialist, you will have a good position. The main thing is to be self-confident and never give up. Best of luck to you!

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