Russian Women Dating

How to Pick Up Russian Girl?

Despite the fact that Slavic women are less emancipated than Western women, it is not so easy to win their hearts. They strive to meet decent men and build a family, so they select their partner very carefully. If you want to build relationships with these ladies, you probably need to know how to pick up a Russian girl.

Pick up girl Russia

Before how to pick up a Russian girl, you should familiarize yourself with some of the characteristic features of the Slavic soul.

russian girl

There are recommendations that will help dispose the girl to yourself and win her heart:

• Take the initiative. Russian ladies are very shy. They rarely initiate dating, because they are afraid to look intrusive. They love moderately persistent men. Therefore, your date of invitation should be worded as a statement, not a question;

• Watch your appearance. Cute ladies very demanding on their appearance. They will not allow their partner to be neglected and untidy. To prove to the girl that you are the best choice, you will need to look good. Take care of your image;

• Do not forget about romance. Flowers, gifts, dinner by candlelight, walks under the starry sky, this will not be able to leave a girl indifferent. Slavic girlfriends are very romantic. Be sure to keep this fact in mind;

Talk more with the girl. Most men think that women are bad interlocutors, but this opinion is wrong. Russian ladies are well supported conversation, and make it a real entertainment;

• Act like a gentleman. Slavic ladies believe in knights. Even in schools, they read novels, where there are many examples of victims for the sake of love. They sincerely hope that this concept is still relevant. Take care of your woman, respect her, radiate confidence and control your emotions. It is very important for young ladies to be treated with trepidation and reverence;

• Do not talk on controversial topics. Avoid topics like politics, religion, and so on. This may scare the lady. Perhaps you will return to these questions in the future, but at the first meeting it is better not to risk it.

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How to Act

If some women showed interest in you, the main thing is not to miss the chance. It is important to assess the situation. f you consider yourself attractive, this does not mean that the ladies will line up for you in the queue. Do not be afraid to come and get acquainted. Slavic ladies like to listen to compliments about their appearance. You can start a conversation with this. Sometimes meetings are completely spontaneous.

You can pick up girl in shop, cafe, on the beach. If this is a shopping center, you can ask the ladies for advice on a particular purchase. While on the street, ask the lady to point the way to this or that place. Compliments are a good weapon. They cheer up and allow you to endear a person to yourself. If you suddenly met a Russian girl, a little ingenuity and improvisation will not interfere.

Pickup Russian girls online

The Internet is the best place to meet a Russian girl. These can be dating sites or social networks. It does not matter which online platform you choose to communicate, the main thing is that you will write. Pay attention to your profile. Post as much information as you can. This will allow the girl to understand whether you are suitable for her. Do not post pictures where you are in the company of other women. This way you risk appearing womanizer.

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In order for your message to attract the attention of Russian ladies, you should follow a few simple rules:

• Do not use template phrases. Make sure that your message is not lost among the messages of other fans. For sure, you are not the first man who writes this beautiful lady. Be as creative as possible. Examine the profile of the girl, find out all the interests, and set some unusual topic for conversation;

• Do not write long poems. Do not make whole stories with banal phrases. Let the text of the message be short, but alive, filled with emotions;

• Show that you have a sense of humor. If you could bring a smile to the face of a woman, you are already half a winner. However, you should not use a large number of ridiculous jokes, everything should be in moderation;

• Do not use too many emoticons in messages. This can put you at a disadvantage. If you do not want your friend to see a teenager in you, use less emoji.

pick up girl russia

Chat Online

Chatting online is the best way to get to know each other before a real meeting. Do not be afraid to ask each other important questions, because you are looking for a person who will share your interests. Talk about what worries you the most:

• how your friend treats children;

• is she ready to move to another country;

• is she ready for a serious relationship?

Learn about her interests, hobbies. Perhaps in her life there are some achievements for which you can praise her. Respect her feelings. Russian ladies are very easy to offend. Choose expressions and be careful. Try to behave as naturally as possible, because if you meet in the future, you will not be able to constantly play a certain role. Before you make an online acquaintance with a particular girl, think what kind of woman you would like to see next to you. What external data and internal qualities should she have?

Final Words

Russian women are very faithful, if they fall in love, this is serious and for a long time. They make every effort to maintain relationships. However, do not abuse their patience because if a woman decides to leave you, she will do it forever.

Do not be discouraged if something is wrong with you the first time. Do not give up, act decisively. Slavic ladies need to conquer. We sincerely hope that our tips on Russian pickup will help you to win the heart of Russian beauty. Remember that these amazing women are waiting for your attention and care!

Make sure to also check the article: How to make a Russian woman fall in love with you.

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