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First Date Sex: Strategies, Tips and More

First date sex? Or better, leave it for the second round? These questions come up in everyone’s mind sooner or later. And you are probably familiar with that feeling as well. On the one hand, you want to try to build a real relationship and don’t want to come along as a one-night stand kind of person. On the other hand… it’s so insanely tempting!

How often do people actually get intimate right after meeting each other for coffee? According to the statistics, 35% of Americans do it. Let’s make it clear, there’s nothing totally wrong with first date sex. In fact, you can look at this matter from different angles. That’s exactly what we invite you to do now!

Sex on the First Date: Pros and Cons

While this topic is quite controversial, all its negative aspects fade away when you fall for someone. This other person is right there, sitting next to you, maybe kissing you, and all you can think about is sex. Would it really be that bad if you spent a night together even though you just met? Find out here!


  • Discover whether you’re compatible in bed

If you have great chemistry while sipping cocktails at the bar, it does not mean your energy in sex is matching too. Having an intimate physical connection on the first date is one way to find out.

  • You show that you are open-minded

Not everyone agrees to sex on the first date, also because of conservative views. Therefore, getting intimately close to your partner the first time you meet may show them that you are unprejudiced.

  • It adds extra excitement

The fact that you know so little about the other person makes the whole thing more thrilling. You feel like a movie character who is about to do something totally wild. This may be a unique sex experience. 


  • Emotional consequences

Even if you were the one to initiate having sex on the first date, you might feel drained and used afterward. In addition, you may experience vulnerability, thinking that you opened up too much to someone you barely knew. 

  • Misaligned expectations

You two may have different ideas about the relationship’s direction, where one partner takes it as a casual encounter and the other is looking for something more serious.

having sex on the first date

Strategies for Having Sex on the First Date

As you see, a sex first date doesn’t have to be a relationship killer. So, if this is something you would like to do, go for it. Now, you may be wondering what the best ways are, to show your date that you’re open to something more than hugs and kisses. That’s why we have prepared these ways to have sex when you meet someone for the first time. 

  • Pick a romantic location for the date. It’s better to go to a nice restaurant with dimmed lights and slow music than to picnic. Show your partner that you are not just dating for sex.
  • Think in advance about what you are going to talk about. Make sure your topics are lighthearted, letting you two get to know each other better. Add a fair portion of humor to your conversations, as there is nothing more uniting than a good laugh.
  • Check if your partner is comfortable with you on a physical level. For example, you can try putting your hand on their shoulder. Do it gently and watch the reaction. If the other person enjoys the feeling, they will likely lean closer to you. 
  • Compliment their physical features. This will make your partner feel desired. You can say something like, “Your hair is so beautiful. Can I touch it?” This will most likely arouse their interest.
  • Avoid alcohol. Don’t go further than a glass of wine on the first date. You need to be sure that your partner actually wants to spend a night with you and that you don’t go overboard with your own actions. Overall, a sober first date sex experience is always nicer.  

5 Top Tips on How to Have Sex on First Date

You may be super excited about the idea of having sex in first date from the very first seconds you meet your partner. But don’t lose your head completely, and get a little more strategic. You need to bring the vibes. 

  1. Be curious about your date

Ask the person you are on a date with about their day, gradually switching to discussing favorite movies, music, or who works where. The goal of this is to give both of you the feeling that you know each other well. Make sure your questions are personalized, showing that you are genuinely interested in your date. For instance, you could ask, “What does your perfect day look like?” or “How do you prefer to spend your weekends?” Make sure to tell enough about yourself, share some interesting stories from your past, or even talk a little about your family. This is also a good way to show that you want more than just sex.  

  1. Take care of your outfit and fragrance

We’re not talking about dressing slutty because you are planning on sleeping with someone on the first date. Unless you want to have a meetup and fuck, of course. Choose more casual clothes, but be sure to show that you have a personal style. Wear something with simple cuts on shirts and pants. This will give your date an idea of what your body looks like, which will likely heat up your communication. Next, impress the other person with some eye-catching items, such as a shirt with a unique print, a sophisticated watch, or a stylish leather bracelet. Don’t forget to spray your skin and clothes with perfume. 

  1. Plan the aftermath

Approach it with an adult dating technique. We know it’s hard to start talking about whether it’s a serious thing for both of you or just a one-night stand. But being worried that your expectations are different after just having sex with someone isn’t great either. Therefore, we recommend clearing the air from the start. After spending the night together, you could say something like, “I had an amazing time with you, and I’d love to see you again. How do you feel about us spending more time together?” Please be ready for any kind of answer if you haven’t discussed anything before sleeping together. 

  1. No rush

It’s crucial to build up the mood for sleeping together on the first date. Therefore, take your time kissing your date and see how they respond. The body language will tell you everything. If the other person is up for intimacy, they will move closer to you, trying to rub their body against yours. You might also notice their breathing becoming more intense or their touch growing more eager. When kissing, take little breaks to compliment your date, saying things like, “You smell so incredibly good” or “Your lips feel just amazing.”

  1. Be prepared and use protection

Looking to have sex? Play it safe. There are many reasons you should use a condom, and it’s not just about the dangers of pregnancy. You need to protect yourself from any possible diseases your partner may have. The thing is, they may not even have a clue about it. Make sure you and your date have everything needed to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience. For instance, your partner might prefer using a lubricant, towels, or a sex toy. 

sex in first date

What Do Experts Say about Sex in the First Date?

Most experts come to the conclusion that if you truly match each other, it doesn’t make any difference whether you have sex on the first or twenty-first date. You will probably develop feelings for the other person during a couple of hours of chat, and they will not fade away just because you’ve spent a night together. 

However, it’s important to differentiate between hooking up on first date with someone you’ve known for some time but never admitted feelings for and someone you truly see for the first time in your life. Users on Quora, for example, suggest being extra careful in the second case, as the other person could be married or have a disease you know nothing about. 


Is first date sex a threat to a potential relationship? Rather not. The most dangerous thing here is that your partner might turn out to be someone other than you imagined them to be. When we don’t have enough information about a person, we try to fill the blank spaces with our own fantasies. 

All in all, here are the main tips to make first date sex special and pleasant:

  • Be truly curious about your date.
  • Dress well and use nice perfume.
  • Discuss your relationship expectations after first-date sex.
  • Don’t hurry into things if you’re thinking about sex on the first date.
  • Ensure you’re prepared and practice safe sex.

Want to get intimate on the first date? Follow your intuition and common sense rather than popular opinions — they could easily be wrong. Have the greatest romantic adventure!

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